Okay, where to I begin. Let's start from well before 2/22/16, shall we? I had been a loyal customer of AmiAmi for many years. I had always paid on time and thought I was building a good relationship with them. Everyone had warned me about them but, I had no issues, so I simply didn't heed the warnings. I should have...

On 2/22/16, I received a package in the mail from my local postman, who was very distraught himself about the package. He was as hopeful as I was that the insides of the package were still in tact. Unfortunately, he could not stay to confirm and simply informed me of the sticker that was placed on there by the New York Customs Arrival and by our local office. I had had packages come before that were pretty banged up and looked like someone played soccer with them, but they were always okay on the inside. Some bubble wrap, packing paper and a good tape seal was the key in it. So, I was hopeful this was the same. I would never be so wrong. Below you will see the pictures of the actual package..

You can imagine my disheartening when I saw this when I opened the box:

Now, I should point out, that the actual item was SOAKING wet. Both inside and out. I've had packages come in the rain before, but there was no rain today and most of them were always so well packaged that the actual item didn't get wet! I just stared for a good few minutes, completely distraught by all of this. At this point, I decided to stop taking pictures and start doing video;

At this point, I was already in tears. I decided to e-mail the company and let them know immediately what was going on with the package, in hopes of getting an exchange under way. Afterwards, I decided to take it to the internet to show others what happened with my package. And that's when I got an outpour of support from people. Of course, not everyone was supportive, but, it didn't matter. I still had hope and no one was going to take that from me. I continued to gather all that I could, so that I would have something all together for when the time came. I decided to look further into the doll to see exactly what was going on.
Upon getting closer, I was hit with a stench like none other. A combination of sea water, mildew and mold! Which meant, this happened quite a while ago and since it was still dripping wet, it had to have happened likely over seas. Though, I cannot make full claim upon a hunch, it's just, NY didn't take very long with my package from customs to NY to my place. Which means, it happened sometime before. Judging by how wet this was, it was clear it had been wet for a while. So off I went again, to check my feeds and see what other people were saying. At this point I did message my fiancee, whom was shocked and appauled by this as well and with checking my feed, I had a good many people telling me to file a PayPal claim to get it situated if they did not. So, I waited.. waited until a reply.
Upon that reply, I was given this:

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ ous responses. ***


Thank you for mailing us.

We are really sorry to see the damage done to your box and item.
We believe you are emailing us regarding order 205795968?
Unfortunately for damages during transit, because we would never ship an i
tem in that condition, we are unable to send replacements.
We however can assist in filing a damage report.
Please kindly visit your local post office to submit a damage report and p
rovide us with a scan or legible photo of your customer's copy. It should
include postal markings to confirm that it has been submitted. We will the
n forward the document to Japan Post to process your claim.

We are linking you here the International Mail Manual webpage: [ http://pe
.usps.com/text/imm/immc9_003.htm ]http://pe.usps.com/text/imm/immc9_003.ht
m Near the bottom you will find instructions detailing exactly which form
must be used to file the claim, and what the postal employee needs to do t
o process the claim. The reason why we are sending this to you is because
from our experience, many USPS employees are not familiar with how to prop
erly file an international claim. We recommend you bring a printout of thi
s webpage and bring it with your when you visit the post office. Please sh
ow it to the postal employee and have them give you the right form to fill
We will be waiting for the damage report.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


Okay, so I decided to appeal to them, asking them once more, if they could please help me out in just a simple exchange. I even offered to pay for shipping, as a convenience fee to get it exchanged quickly. Even via EMS. Social Media began sending messages to them to appeal the decision as well. So, more waiting it was.. until this was their response..

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

Your postal service was informed wrong.
It is true that the damage will be compensated by Japan Post but the damag
e report needs to be filed by your post office as it is clearly written on
the page we have linked you.
If Japan Post does not receive the damage report they will see their reque
st for compensation denied by USPS claiming that nobody filed anything or
informed of any problem regarding this shipment.
We say this because unfortunately we had experiences in the past.

As we explained, when an item is clearly damaged in transit, we are unable
to send a replacement, we understand how frustrating this can be but it wo
uld also not be fair toward all the other customers if we would make an ex
ception for you and not for others.
It is not a matter of being a loyal customer or spending a lot, it is a ma
tter of being fair with all our customers because they deserve the same tr
We are unfortunately unable to send a replacement in this case, as we said
we can assist in seeking compensation and we have even linked you how to p
roceed with it.
As soon as we will receive the damage report we will forward it to Japan P
ost, this is all the assistance we can provide for a damage that happened
during transit unfortunately.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


Alright. I should also explain I did talk to my local office, whom had already stated they had documentation of the incident and said that upon their submission, they would be more than happy to release a damage report. But they had to file it first, over seas, being the sender. Apparently, they did not like that answer. What really bothered me at this point, was the "but it would also not be fair toward all the other customers if we would make an exception for you and not for others." What?! So, this has happened before!? That's when I took to the internet and began doing searching of my OWN. I came across a LOT of blogs and postings about AmiAmi and how they treat their customers and how another person with the exact same issue was going through as well! So this was not a "once in a lifetime" thing, this was just poor customer service and unprofessionalism. Okay.. so I decided to ask a few questions.. here's the response I got;

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.
USPS Postal Employee very often do not know the procedure to file a damage
report for international shipments.
We have linked you that page exactly because we wish to assist, if you sho
w that to your Post Office and have them give you the right form the damag
e report will be filed.l
The sender cannot file a damage report.
Please refer to what is written in the link we provided.
If your shipment was Sal registered, that method is insured up to 6000JPY
for damage.
The full insurance is provided only by EMS.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


I basically asked them, how much would I get back? Would I get my full amount back, since the actual item itself was damaged? Or would I get only the max of 6000 yen, as I was informed earlier by someone? That's when they attacked my post office and then ignored what I stated previously. Then blaming me for not purchasing EMS. Okay, I get it, shame on me for not purchasing EMS.. but honestly, when I purchased the SAL I was informed there was in fact insurance on the package anyway. So I had no reason to believe otherwise. I just was under the impression that it would take longer. Thus, I had no problem with this option. Upon looking at the papers, I was wrong, in fact, they placed "0 yen" for insurance anyway! Then I received this email:

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***


Your parcel was shipped with SAL Registered, which as written in our FAQ o
nly has insurance up to 6000 JPY, although the final refund amount ultimat
ely depends on Japan Post and USPS's judgment.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.

Best Regards,

So I questioned the postal service, to which they laughed and when I informed them of the package details, they told me, first off, they do not award the refund.. Japan does. Secondly, they also informed me, since they wrote "0" on insurance, there was no way I was going to get more than about $50. $50 for a $143 package?! No way. So once again, I took to the media and promtply took back to e-mailing them. I also was informed about the e-mail they sent with the link not even working, was because USPS had changed their policy, so I should inform the seller to stop forwarding a page that doesn't exist anymore. So, I did;

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ ous responses. ***

Hi again.

USPS did not change any policy as we have been receiving the damage report
s from US customers even today.

You might be cutting the link we gave you?
The link to click is this:


The process is the following.
You file the damage report to your Local Post office and have it stamped.
You then forward your customer copy that is correctly stamped to us via e
mail scanning it and we will then contact Japan Post with that damage repo
rt and request an investigation.
Japan Post will then contact USPS showing the damage report filed correctl
y by them in order for USPS to locate the exact case, they will confirm th
e information and then Japan post will determine the compensation that for
registered Sal might be up to 6000JPY.
As we said, we have been receiving until today damage reports from US, who
ever is providing you different information is clearly wrong as we deal wi
th these cases, unfortunately, on daily basis.
Please check by yourself the link we provided and print that page so that
you may bring it with you to the post office to have them give you the rig
ht damage report.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


First of all, were they telling me that the local USPS doesn't know their own website or their policies?.. Then they yet again tried explaining it to me. So, I decided to call the international department of the postal service. To which, they confirmed yet again that the information was documented and that they should file the claim already! And even so, they've been receiving damage reports?! This must happen a lot! Again, couldn't be the bad packing techniques they've been using as of late and their taping job which is less to be desired.. Okay.. so I took the time and sat down yet again to reply.. by this time, I had already filed a PP claim, as it would seem we were just going around in circles. Thankfully, after speaking with the claims department they informed me, regardless of the circumstances, they offered nothing as a business to appeal to the customer. Merely left it in my lap with a "too bad". And their compensation of UP TO 6000 yen had even PP saying it was unacceptable. So, I went with what they decided. I explained that their customer service was faulty and that being the circumstances, it wasn't merely the BOX that was busted up, but the actual DOLL inside. Not to mention, 6000 yen!? How in the world was I ever going to be happy with that response?! They replied with this;

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

We are sorry about it but unfortunately you have selected Sal registered a
nd that insurance is only up to 6000JPY.
You should have selected EMS if you wished to have the full insurance for
your order.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


At this point, I had had pretty well enough of this farce. I had informed them that their service and means of handling long time customers was a joke. I also informed them that a PP dispute and claim was in the process. Instead of going through everything and simply using it as a learning experience on how they could better their customer service, they decided to threaten me and show me the bully that everyone had informed me they are! I couldn't believe it!;

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

Please note that you have selected that method fully knowing that the insu
rance was going to be up to 6000JPY.
Now you are requesting something special to be done to you ignoring all ou
r policies and the way we are supposed to be fair with the other customers
Please be advised that, should this dispute on Paypal reverse the original
payment, we will be required to cease any business with you as we cannot c
ontinue business with customers who select a shipping method and then dema
nd special services knowing fully well that we cannot provide them.

Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


And while I did not answer them, I wanted to inform them that NO, I didn't know that only 6000 yen was covered! I wasn't asking anything special out of any ordinary business would do being the circumstances. That being said, instead of replying back, I decided that PP needed to hear this. So I called them and informed them of the e-mail. They too are finding this unacceptable and will be speaking to the merchant directly about their customer service.

Now, to update completely, yes, I was given a temporary refund until the claim is finally closed. Which could be anytime between now and 42 days from now. I was informed by their department, that I shouldn't be too concerned, considering all of the e-mail documentation as well as the photographic evidence to back me along with the USPS processing it as well. So.. will it be finalized? I'll surely update when I do. But why am I writing all of this!?

Every once in a while, you hear about a seller doing wrong to a customer (or several hundred) and rather than allow people to go blindly or with the thought that MAYBE it won't happen to them? I'm writing this to say YES.. YES it can and most likely it WILL. They BULLY people into doing what they want with the fear of being banned from their store! No store should ever BULLY their customers this way! To top it off, their customer service department is a JOKE. They have no means to help you remedy the situation other than to pawn you off on the post office and let them handle the mess. They push blame when they don't want to do something and then accuse others of being in the wrong before doing their own homework! You cannot cancel an order for ANY reason with them or they threaten you with being banned and no matter what you do, you are in constant worry that you will make them angry enough that that is exactly what will happen! My advice? Stay far away. If you're worried this might happen to you, cancel you orders. Because honestly, what's the worst they could do, BAN you!? I say I'm better off without them. There are PLENTY of places out there to get your items from (JList, HLJ, FromJapan, PullipStyle, YesAsia, Big Bad Toy Store, and so MANY more), so don't feel as if you're going to lose out on your item if you do it.
Besides, what would you rather do? Pay a little extra to have better customer service and a happier customer/merchant relationship? Or Pay less and end up with NO customer service and the merchant only being a bully??


So after talking with AmiAmi, after they told me they were going to ban me. They actually sent me an invoice for some items I still had left. I e-mailed them back, rather confused, because I was under the impression I was banned, especially since I had received the refund via PayPal already! So I decided to question them, asking them why I was getting an invoice, if I was banned!?

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

We have no idea of what you are informing us about.

Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


Okay, at this point, I thought I was being Punked or something. How could they not know, since I've been e-mailing them as they have been me this entire time!? So I emailed them back to explain to them the situation once again.. to try and get some clarity amongst all this

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

Your order was paid via Credit card, we did not receive any notice from Pa
ypal as no money were received from Paypal for your order.

Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


Okay? I already explained I payed via PP with my credit card. And how did they not get a notice? Especially since PP has been e-mailing them and attempted to call them to talk about the dispute and the bullying they've been doing to me. So, once again, I emailed them back explaining ONCE MORE the situation and end results and asking if I was banned or not!?

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

We believe that whatever refund you have received it was not from our Stor
e as we have checked and you have never paid any order here via Paypal.
We have no Paypal transaction linked to any of your orders therefore the r
efund must have been for another item that you might have purchased at ano
ther Store.
We have never received a Paypal payment from you therefore Paypal cannot r
efund anything on our behalf.
At the moment the account is open because no action was taken against any
payment you submitted.

Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


I have to admit, by this point I was frustrated. I was told as soon as I got the refund, my account would be closed. And yet, they still wanted money from me!? I wasn't about to pay them either way, considering the customer service I received and the fact that, they were already upset with me, I was worried my package may come trashed again, or the item may come defective or something. I wasn't about to take that risk. So, I e-mailed them back, explaining ONE LAST TIME about the situation and about the paypal refund I had received.

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.
Your payment for that doll was not done via Paypal which means Paypal did
not have any payment related to that transaction that could be refunded.
We have never received any payment for ANY of your orders via Paypal there
fore whatever refund you received it was definitely not from our Store or
we would have been informed by Paypal.
We are not sure that you know how Paypal works, but Paypal cannot give ref
unds for transactions that were not done via that method because they do n
ot have any funds to take them from.
In short, any type of refund you received was definitely not from our Stor
e as Paypal cannot take funds from us.
Paypal never contacted us also with any claim regarding this, if you have
a Paypal case number you may provide it to us but we did not receive any n
otification from Paypal which is why your account is still open.

Thank you for shopping at AmiAmi.


At this point, I was quite angry. "you know how paypal works" .. Pardon me!? Talking to me as if I am some kind of idiot who doesn't understand how something works, when I've explained now at least 6 times about the paypal card and how they are refunding me, etc. And they never contacted you?! Are you serious?! I happen to know via my case, that they have tried to send e-mails and phone calls to their office. Now, I am an easy going person, I don't get upset or angry very often. But this, this was just blatant ignorance. And to talk to me like I'm some 13 year old who is just learning about these sites, etc. was completely unacceptable. I had explained things more than enough times. So, I e-mailed them one more time, explaining everything YET AGAIN and how I received the refund. I was NOT about to pay them, nor was I about to get anything from them, for fear of what they might DO to the item! I was more than done. I was tired of the e-mails and tired of the way they were treating me. I forwarded the emails to PayPal and they were just as upset. They were going to contact them AGAIN about their customer service, as PP doesn't like it when businesses treat their customers in this fashion. So this is the email I got.

*** When replying, please reply directly to this email and quote any previ
ous responses. ***

Hi again.

You did not mention before about this, if you say that you have received a
refund from Paypal without informing us that your card was actually issued
by Paypal we cannot guess anything similar as Credit card can be issued by
a lot of services.

In this case yes, you selected a registered shipping method insured up to
6000JPY and demanded first a replacement which was not possible and then
a full refund knowing perfectly well that Sal registered did not offer tha
t option.
In the end, opened also a chargeback.
We are sorry to say that we will not be able to continue business with cus
tomers who take advantage of our Store in this way and therefore your acco
unt will be permanently closed within 24 hours.


Okay, wait a minute.. I didn't mention it before?!?!?! I didn't inform them about the refund?! WT?! In previous e-mails, I had received conformation that they KNEW what was going on, they KNEW I was getting a refund, they KNEW it was a PP transaction! What the heck was going on!? And who said anything about guessing!? I told them my card was a PP debit card. And I never DEMANDED a replacement, I ASKED. And then to sit there and say I knew, I honestly did NOT know. I was told it was 'insured'. So MAYBE you shouldn't tell customers something and be vague about it. After that, I received the following e-mail.


This mail concerns your recent order cancellation. As we have informed you in the past, excessive order cancellation results not only in inventory control problems at our store but also inconveniences other customers seeking to place orders.

Unfortunately at this juncture the possibility of cancellations arising from orders placed under this account is so high that we cannot continue conducting business with any degree of reliability. Because of this, we are no longer able to accept orders from you now or in the future.

To put it plainly, we have no choice but to suspend your ordering privileges from this point onwards. All open orders have been canceled and any future orders received will be automatically canceled. Please note that any future accounts you may create will also be canceled without notification.

From this date forward, our policy prohibits us from accepting your orders, as well as any communications either by telephone or by e-mail.

We thank you for your patronage.



Obviously just an e-mail that's generated and not personalized. Which is fine. I knew already I was banned. But to try and get more money out of me, play dumb about it, then treat me like an idiot afterward?! Not to mention, DENY that you didn't know all this!? Yea.. okay. Shady to say the least. Personally, I (obviously) will not be doing business with them. I will also be passing this along to everyone I know. Why? Because people need to SEE how they treat people, how shady they are and how poorly and unproffessional their business is run! NO ONE deserves to be treated this way and NO ONE should get a package the way I did. This was unacceptable. Please.. if you know someone that may be shopping there.. be sure to let them know. Don't let another person get treated this way, the way I have. Not to mention, I'm not the ONLY one out there. If you do a Google search, you will find MANY other people who have had the SAME treatment as I had. This is not something NEW to them. They admitted this has happened many times before. And as long as people continue, it will continue to happen. Speak up! Don't stay quiet about it! Let people know when you have a bad experience, so others can make a better decision than I did shopping with them. I had heard the stories, I ignored them, thinking, it never has happened to me, I'll be fine. And I'm NOT. So even if it hasn't happened to you (and sure, it very well may NEVER happen to you), there is always that chance that it could. Why take the risk? There are PLENTY of other GREAT services out there that would gladly work with you on any issues you may have. Personally, the customer service I've received from HLJ has been OUTSTANDING. When an item was missing things, or when I got 2 of one thing, instead of what I ordered, they quickly send out replacements and told me because of the issue to keep the items. They didn't ask any questions, just a photo for proof and that was that. Within 24 hours, it was already on it's way to me! So please, go with a service you can TRUST and that will give you the customer support YOU need. It's truly worth the extra couple dollars IMO.

Disclaimer: Please, this is my story. If you would like to link back, or share this, please feel free to.
Copyright © 2016 KittiePink Online.